Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Bride

Men and brothers,
Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! May He fill your hearts with joy unspeakable!
Today I was thinking about my bride and all that she is to me! Normally I post blogs on family and the man's role as a father and don't usually take time to consider--in writing--my second half! She is half of me by the way and I most assuredly am incomplete with out her! So, today I would like to dedicate this blog to my beautiful bride Angie!
Brothers, have you considered your bride today? How often do you remind yourself that the two of you are "one flesh" and that you are to be "as a loving savior" to her? When was the last time you washed her in the Word or prayed a blessing over her? Do you deal with her " according to knowledge" as instructed by the Word? How often do you praise her for giving her life to her children and the keeping of your home? The Bible informs us that they are the weaker vessel and need special consideration. How often do we give it to them?
Do you realize how important it is for us to encourage our brides? Men they need our love! They need us to remember to put our love to "work" in a real way. A way that says you are so grateful to God for giving you a helpmeet.
Also, maybe your thinking that your bride doesn't really live up to all the right godly attributes and it would be hard to be so loving! Well, your right it will be hard. Because you'll need to really look hard at yourself and the fruit of your life in order to make her a godly wife! That's right, you start being a loving savior to your wife and dying to yourself and she will have no problem treating you like a king!
Finally, I covet your prayers in this area for my life! Please pray for me--my bride really needs you to! I have often failed in this matter in the past but desperately want to succeed! You see, our relationships with our brides are a living witness and testimony of Christ's relationship with His bride--the Church! So when I fail here, I fail to be a good witness for Christ! Let's consider today how we can be a wonderful savior to our brides no matter what the circumstances, cause Christ is wonderful to us regardless of our circumstances! "Oh , to be like Thee!"

To God be the Glory!

- Posted from SE's iPhone


Angie said...

Thank you my love for your encouraging Words.. may they bring Glory to our Savior and strength to our relationship.
