Thursday, August 28, 2008

Godly Fathers (Servant-Leader)?

Hello Everyone,
I am currently reading a book called "Family Man, Family Leader" by Phil Lancaster. It is very challenging to me and I am very thankful that I made the choice to read it. It addresses the problem of our society today and what "men" are doing about it, or NOT doing . He talks about how men have failed to be the leaders God has called them to be and how feminism reigns supreme--without much opposition. He also addresses how men have willingly stepped aside to allow the government to raise our children with their evolutionary theories and methods--which is one of the grandest schemes of Hell on earth, says the writer of this blog.

The book is enlightening at many times and at other times it is affirming of what God is revealing to me about what I am suppose to be as a father. I want to be a godly father, a perfect father, just as my Father in Heaven is a perfect Father. I believe that with the Lord guiding me and me submitting--and staying out of His way--this can be accomplished in my life. The hope--my hope--is that God would use me in this way so that my boys will be better (perfect) fathers to their children through God's power and guidance. This is my goal: my children will be far superior parents in all ways--in godly ways. For them to understand their full responsibility to God for their children, or should I say His children, His heritage. To know and understand what it is they need to do for their children before they even become parents. Lord help me and them! I pray this is all done to the Glory of God.

Christan fathers, what are we doing to draw closer to God so that we will be more godly parents. Are we compromising the Lord's principles for the sake of being "cool" to our children. Avoiding being "to strict" with them? Afraid to stand up for God and His Word to our children or even our spouses? Do we allow things or people in their lives that do not encourage their relationships with family or God? Are we using God's Word to "transform our families" so that they will not "conform to this world." Is this extreme? Is this writer's thoughts to "old fashion" or "traditional"--whatever that is? A "fundamentalist" maybe you call me? Has the church turned so far from God's truth that we call people that diligently live for God and the "fundamentals" of the Christian faith extremist or legalistic? God forbid, that means that "they" are no longer the "norm" in Christendom. So then I ask, what is the norm, carnality? How long will we sit by and let what God has entrusted to us--our children/His heritage--be taught and influenced by devilish philosophies?

It is very hard to be a godly father, I know, I have failed in many areas, many times. Consider though what is at stake here. The things and conveniences of this world are temporary and vain, and we will only live in this world a very short span in comparison to eternity. Eternity is "eternity" and we must make sure--no matter what--that our children and all of our generations to come will be there worshipping God with us and that they will--above ALL things--love God with all that they are.

Please Father in Heaven, give us the wisdom, insight, strength, perseverance, diligence, holiness, grace, and love that we need as fathers to raise Your heritage for Your purpose and Glory!

To God be the Glory!
Sam E

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A rough morning!

Hello everyone,
I had a good morning to start--clean up, time with the Lord, my little buddy JJ awoke and made me eggs, and coffee. Typical morning. I set out for work and turned on the radio to listen to my morning inspiration on christian radio. No, sooner did I get on the way when the DJ gives a prayer request for a famly--especially the mother--because their baby was forgotten and left in the car--all day! Baby did not survive. Baby was suppose to be dropped off at day care but "busy mom" rushed into work and forgot baby. "My Father in Heaven, please help me to not be angry," was my first cry. After hearing this report I was floored. I began to cry--and still trying hard not to now--and talked to God some more. I shut off the radio and wasn't sure if I wanted to even go to work. Folks, I dont know why this effects me so badly but it does. Maybe it is because I am so disgusted with the ridiculous state of society in our age. Or could be that moms now have no choice but to go out and help provide--or do they? Could be that our "standard of living" and "financial prosperity" are far more important than the well-being of our families--our children. I am so distrubed by this matter I don't even know what to do--other than talk to God.

What this poor mother and father--whole family--must be going through is unimagineable to me. The grief and heartache would be to much to bear--without Jesus' grace, comfort, and mercy.

Dear Believers, brethren, beloved body of Christ, what can we do to help this sad commentrary on the "busy american family." How can we influence a society lost in vanity and covetousness. To show them that nothing is more important than the GIFTS--our children-- God has entrusted to our care--for His Glory. Father God, please help your children to see You and Your love and to seek first Your Kingdom and Your Righteousness and everything else will be added to us--or given to us. Help us to be content with what You have given us and our families. For give me, and us all, for our vanity, pride, and coveteousness. We love You and thank you for Your soverignty. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Let's take a moment to see: Are we Thinking? I know that: I Am Thinking! God help us all!

To God be the Glory,
Sam E

Monday, August 4, 2008

Humbled Again!

Hello Everyone,
Greetings in Jesus Name,
I wanted to share what I was thinking about yesterday(Sunday), and most of today. I was thinking all day long about how God shows us how truly ridiculous we can be in our judgements. Well, some time ago I start checking out Lakewood Church online and on TV--when possible, and I started doing some investigation on brother Joel Osteen and his ministry. There is loads of information on this man and his church. I watched it all and read as much as I could. I confess to you that I was very disappointed in this brother and his ministry. According to the media, this very influenceal man hardly ever refered to the bible or even proclaimed the name of Jesus. All that came out of Joel's mouth was how "you" could be a better "you." I was very disgusted. This brother had to much power and was very far from "biblical principals" and it seemed as if he was teaching a new age doctrine. I even started to "warn" the brethren about this fallacy in the "Church."
Well, I found out, one day, that my mother-in-law was coming to visit and she was set on going to Lakewood Church and meeting her "beloved" Joel Osteen. OH NO! Now I have to go. I couldn't possibly deny this fine lady her opportunity to meet the man that God had used to change her life. It was terrible. I really didnt want to go and see this ridicoulus display of "easy believism" and shallow, impersonal christianity.
The dreaded "day" had arrived. It was time to take the long drive down town to the vulgar display of "church" that this place puts on. I was ready and had my "defences" up. Church service started and everything was pretty typical for an evanglical Sunday service. Then Joel came out to share prayers and eventually a message and that is when I began to realize that I was an idiot. This man was not the man I had seen on the various forms of media. This man called on the name of Jesus more than most pastors I know and gave glory to our heavenly Father for EVERYTHING! I was amazed. This was certainly not the same. It was a blessing and I was encouraged in my faith. This message was not "prosperity" and "easy living." It was challenging and strengthing. I was awstruck and I have not even mentioned the blessing the "people" of the church were to me and my family. You could see the love of Christ working in them and thru them. The brethren displayed the Love of Christ. Far more loving and compassionate than a lot of conservative "family" churches.

Well folks, you have probably already seen that I have been humbled again and was very convicted of my thoughts and words in regards to my brother Joel Osteen and God's Lakewood Church. The Lord is working there and love is certainly present. I believe it would be a blessing to any believer--that really loves Jesus. All I can do now is ask God to forgive me and try to remember all the people that I opened my BIG mouth to so I can ask for their forgiveness also. Oh yeah, and to remember to not be so hasty with my discernment, to realize I don't know what God is doing thru everyone and how He is doing it. (Like I can really understand His ways--I don't think so.)
Now, I still don't understand how a church that large can be effective and intimate but I don't have to understand it. I just have to let God do what He does best--Love.

I am very grateful that my Heavenly Father loves me enough to chasten me still, and correct me when I am wrong. To let me know that He is in control and that I need to love, love , love. I need to seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and His(Jesus Christ) righteousness and worry more about my life and my family than others.

Today I Am Thinking and I hope you are too. Remember, see things in God's perspective and not your own and things will be clearer than usual.

To God be the Glory,
Sam E