Thursday, April 18, 2013

Men and brothers, Starting in 2008 I created a blog and started sharing my heart and life with other brothers in Christ. My hope was to encourage and challenge us as godly men to be just that: godly men. As the Lord would share things in His Word with me through study, meditation, and prayer I would in turn write this in my blog for the benefit of the Church--at least the men of the Church. I recently have felt a pulling to share again via my blog and pray God would use it for His glory and our growth. I'd also like to repost some of my old blogs as well. I also made it a habit to sign them "Papa Sam" so everyone would know it was me and not Sammy! These blog post will come thru email but you can also go to the blog site to read(and leave comments-Please!!) and subscribe if you'd like. Again, I hope this is a blessing to all who read. To God be the Glory! Papa Sam