Thursday, August 14, 2008

A rough morning!

Hello everyone,
I had a good morning to start--clean up, time with the Lord, my little buddy JJ awoke and made me eggs, and coffee. Typical morning. I set out for work and turned on the radio to listen to my morning inspiration on christian radio. No, sooner did I get on the way when the DJ gives a prayer request for a famly--especially the mother--because their baby was forgotten and left in the car--all day! Baby did not survive. Baby was suppose to be dropped off at day care but "busy mom" rushed into work and forgot baby. "My Father in Heaven, please help me to not be angry," was my first cry. After hearing this report I was floored. I began to cry--and still trying hard not to now--and talked to God some more. I shut off the radio and wasn't sure if I wanted to even go to work. Folks, I dont know why this effects me so badly but it does. Maybe it is because I am so disgusted with the ridiculous state of society in our age. Or could be that moms now have no choice but to go out and help provide--or do they? Could be that our "standard of living" and "financial prosperity" are far more important than the well-being of our families--our children. I am so distrubed by this matter I don't even know what to do--other than talk to God.

What this poor mother and father--whole family--must be going through is unimagineable to me. The grief and heartache would be to much to bear--without Jesus' grace, comfort, and mercy.

Dear Believers, brethren, beloved body of Christ, what can we do to help this sad commentrary on the "busy american family." How can we influence a society lost in vanity and covetousness. To show them that nothing is more important than the GIFTS--our children-- God has entrusted to our care--for His Glory. Father God, please help your children to see You and Your love and to seek first Your Kingdom and Your Righteousness and everything else will be added to us--or given to us. Help us to be content with what You have given us and our families. For give me, and us all, for our vanity, pride, and coveteousness. We love You and thank you for Your soverignty. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Let's take a moment to see: Are we Thinking? I know that: I Am Thinking! God help us all!

To God be the Glory,
Sam E


GammySel said...

My love-
There is no instant answers on why this may have disturbed you. Maybe it was sent as a distraction to keep you from meditating on the Word you had just filled yourself with.

Or maybe it was just a rattling to remind you of the desperate situation we are in right here in America?

Whatever it was may our Lord Jesus Get the glory!
I love you