Sunday, January 12, 2014

Redemption and Reconciliation

Men and Brothers,

The end of the year has come and gone. I find myself busier than I want to be--as usual. Duty at home, church, and work have kept my schedule very full. I am grateful though for my family, being an elder, and certainly for God's providence in my job. My heart is devoted to God, family, and church--first and foremost. I pray that you have found the peace of Christ in the end of last year and the beginning of this year. I also pray that our Lord God would transform our lives in a very real and powerful way this year. That we might be deemed true disciples of Christ by all who know us--believer and unbeliever alike! I pray for power for us men to be submitted to the lordship of Christ and to one another in God's gracious love. I also pray for diligence in serving all of you in godliness and humility. Encouraging and challenging you with the truths of the Gospel and God's Word! In the name of Jesus!

Today, I was very encouraged by the message at our Sunday morning service that was delivered by my brother elder Ed. He shared a poem that really blessed me and I want to share it with all of you. Please take the time to read and reflect the following:

The Awakened Sinner

O my forgetful soul,
Awake from thy wandering dream;
     turn form chasing vanities,
     look inward, forward, upward,
     view thyself,
     reflect upon thyself,
          who and what thou art, why here,
          what thou must soon be.
Thou art a creature of God,
     formed an furnished by Him,
     lodged in a body like a shepherd in his tent;
     Dost thou not desire to know God's ways?

O God,
Thou injure, neglected, provoked Benefactor
  when I think upon thy greatness and thy goodness
     I am ashamed at my insensibility,
     I blush to lift up my face,
     for I have foolishly erred.
Shall I go on neglecting Thee,
  when everyone of Thy rational creatures should love Thee,
  and take every care to please Thee?
I confess that thou hast not been in all my thoughts,
     that the knowledge of Thyself as the end of my being has been strangely overlooked,
     that I have never seriously considered my heart-need.
But although my mind is perplexed and divided, my nature perverse,
     yet my secret dispositions still desire thee.
Let me not delay to come to Thee;
Break the fatal enchantment that bins my evil affections,
     an bring me to a happy mind that rests in Thee,
     for Thou hast made me an canst not forget me.
Let Thy Spirit teach me the vital lessons of Christ,
     for I am slow to learn;
An hear Thou my broken cries.

--my brothers, may we be aware of our condition an ever dependent upon grace and mercy of our most merciful Father in heaven. Reflect, ponder, cogitate even, on the Ways of The Lord God almighty. For in His Ways are joy, peace, and salvation. Be resolved to be completely surrendered to Jesus Christ, our Lord and our God. 

To God Alone be the Glory!