Monday, July 22, 2013

How Saved are We?

Men and Brothers,
I thought this excerpt would be a good challenge to our thinking. Read and be blessed and challenged! Love y'all,

An excerpt from "How Saved Are We?" by Michael L. Brown:

"The American Church at the end of the twentieth century is experiencing a crisis. For years we have preached a cheap gospel and peddled a soft Savior. We have taught salvation without self-denial and the crown without the cross. We have catered to the unsaved and compromised with the world. Now we are paying the price.
Our "instant salvation" message has dishonored God and deluded men. Our faulty seeds have produced a flaky harvest. What a pitiful crop we are reaping!
     As American "believers" we:
     - spend hours watching television but minutes watching in prayer;
     - are hungry for the sports page but have little taste for the Word;
     - spend more money on pet food than on foreign missions; 
     - love to feast but hate to fast;
     - welcome God's blessings but are wary of His burdens.
Is this what Jesus died for? Is this our "new life" in Him?

Stop for a moment and think:
     Anyone who spends more time playing video games than seeking God in prayer has no right to call Jesus Lord.
     Anyone who takes delight in today's perverted TV shows is serving another god. 
     Anyone who cannot die to sports for a season is worshiping idols.

Scripture says: "If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in Him..." (1John 2:15)
                        "...because friendship with the world is hatred toward God" (James 4:4)
In reality, whose friends are we?"

Certainly something to think about my brothers. May God grant us grace and strength to be sold out to Him and His will.
To God be the Glory,
Papa Sam