Thursday, February 11, 2010

Feeding Time!

Men and brothers,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Christ Jesus. I pray that all is well with you all and that you are drawing closer to God each day.
I am sorry it has been a while since I last posted anything. Time is of the essence, as many of you know, and I have not had enough time to do all that needs to be done or all I want to get done!
I wanted to ask about your feeding time? Do you have regular times of feeding? Do you ever go without feeding yourself? I ask because the Lord has dealt with me in this area and I feel led to share it with you men.
I have a condition where if I don't eat regularly I will get sick. I get really bad headaches and become very irritable. My blood sugar gets to a very low level and if I eat sugar or sweets my body rejects it--or doesn't know what to do with it. This means I must eat about every 4 hours or less. I also take supplements. This, at times, is very inconvient. It becomes very frustrating. Well, recently I heard a Brother teaching on nourishing your soul. Towards the end of his teaching he made a statement about feeding our bodies but hardly evering feeding our souls. He stated that if we feed our souls as many times as we do our bodies think of the blessing. Wow, this really struck home for me. I started to think about putting this into practice and realized how much I would be reading God's living Word. Think about it for just a second! The Word of God would be such an intricate part of our lives. We might just be transformed and renewed by it. (Rms. 12:2). We might have "real" wisdom to make choices that aren't selfish but that actually glorify God all the time. We might have a "real" answer for the hope that lies within us. Or maybe, just maybe we will be able to have "real" victory over strongholds and lust!

What do you say brothers? Are you up for a challenge? I challenge us all to feed our souls with God's Word everytime we feed our bodies and let's just see what "will" happen. Maybe our hearts and families will be revivied for the Kingdom of God and Christ's Gospel. Happy feeding! Be blessed, be strong!

To God be the Glory,
Papa Sam
1 Corinthians 16:13-14

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